I had an echocardiogram that showed pulmonary hypertension. What does it mean?

Dr TDiagnosis, Treatment 1 Comment

Question: I just learned that an echocardiogram from 2.5 years ago indicated “mild pulmonary hypertension.” (sPAP was extimated at 38 mmHg.) The echo was done to try to diagnose sudden attacks of shortness of breath that have become less frequent since then.  (No luck with a diagnosis, by the way.)  My brand new pulmonologist wants to do another echo and …

I had an echocardiogram that showed pulmonary hypertension. What does it mean?

Dr. TAsk Doctor T Leave a Comment

Question: I just learned that an echocardiogram from 2.5 years ago indicated “mild pulmonary hypertension.” (sPAP was extimated at 38 mmHg.) The echo was done to try to diagnose sudden attacks of shortness of breath that have become less frequent since then.  (No luck with a diagnosis, by the way.)  My brand new pulmonologist wants to do another echo and …