Submitted by Dr T on April 4, 2014 – 7:21pm

Hi JG,
It has been a long time since I have talked about my patients! If you followed the links you have read the scientific analysis of my approach to treatment for adenocarcinoma:
If the tumor size is <5 cm, this was the treatment:
- Resection, followed by
- Chemotherapy w/i 6wks after surgery followed by
- Radiation therapy
All my patients except one had lymph nodes involved with cancer and it didn’t prove to be a risk factor. Long-term overall survival 40% (65% @ 10 years for a specific sub group). I have not seen these results duplicated with any other treatment plan since I last reviewed this in 2010.
For larger tumors the prognosis is not so good and I’d recommend preoperative chemo-radiation therapy followed by a resection if possible:
The only way I could convince the oncologists to treat my patients this way, was because I referred them (they were my patients). I had a major problem with the fact the chemo was always different from one patient to the next and therefore meaningful comparisons impossible.
The result: I had many long term survivors (cures) – even with advanced cancers and I strongly believe this was a direct result of this approach.
Hope this helps,