PVCs, palpitations and obesity


Submitted by Dr T on July 20, 2011 – 12:19pm

I have been dx with having PVC’s and they have gotten progressively worse, in that I have more of them now, and I am now experiencing them back to back. I feel this flutters and I reach for my pulse and there is a pause, then beat, then pause etc. Sometimes I feel like I am having 3 to 4 in a row, other times, it is every other beat…The Dr’s keep telling me they are not going to harm me…that my heart is fine. I have a small VSD, but nothing was ever done with it. I recently was switched to Kaiser and I saw a new cardiologist after having to wear the monitor again. I recorded over 90 episodes and she said that was a record for her to see. She said I could take a medication called atenolol if I want to try to see if that will help, but I heard taking medications can often be a bad thing. I have several of these pvc’s pac’s a day and it is debilitation. I am 39 and I am very overweight. I just joined weight watchers and I am walking on my treadmill for 30 mins a day @ 2.5 mph and also doing 30 mins of cycling at 14 mph with intermittent resistance every other minute. On mon,wed and fri, I am doing a short bowlfex routine and every night mon-fri i am doing 70 sit ups on an exercise ball. I had started out only able to walk 10 mins at 1.5 mph and I have worked up to the later. I have lost 15 lbs going from 389 to 370. I did not have pvc’s until I gained a bulk of weight some 15 years ago. Do you think losing the weight will lessen these? I read posting of people who are physically fit and get them…I don’t touch caffeine NO chocolate, soda, and I don’t drink or smoke… I read that it is a good idea to see an  electrophysiologist for real help…I am almost a recluse because of these…I am terrified to be out of my  house for fear of what will happen when I am out…It is really making me crazy. I often cry saying maybe it would be better to just die to escape these…I know it sounds dramatic but I cant keep going on like this….Please tell me what you think?

Comments 18

  1. Post

    I had a really bad few months with debilitating PVCs shortly after gaining weight. Didn’t know what to do Dr’s said it wasn’t dangerous but was really suffering…. I decided I’d loose weight by eating small portions and intermittent fasting, and from having many per day I was able to get rid of them just as fast as they came on.
    From reading the rest of the entries here it seems safe to say that loosing some weight could help a lot.
    Best of luck to everyone

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    Just started having pics was informed yesterday.I also have a small bad which the doctors say is ok? I cried alot knowing I have these had a whole day of feeling sick to my stomach nothing worked to make me feel better.I also suffer with asthma it seemed like my oxygen goes down a lot when I lay down even on my side at 90 and 92.Im overweight at 260lbs and 5’3″.I will try to loose weight this is drying me crazy I can’t function.Its ashame I had to feel real sick to loose weight😪.

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    I’m 5’ 10”, 230 pounds. Yes I’m overweight but not obese, the pandemic sure added extra pounds since I’ve worked home the past 18 months. I started getting PVCs ten months ago, several times a day, mostly at night when I relax and go to sleep. But I do get them many times a day, all day long. They aren’t giving me a break. I’ve gone to three different cardiologists and frequently, taken many tests- ekg, event monitors, nuclear stress, echo cardiogram, sonogram- all say the heart is healthy but this is a nuisance that “should go away the way it came”. I’m on metropolol now, which does nothing….was on Propranolol which did nothing. Beta blockers supposedly suppress the adrenaline that causes the pvc (premature beats causing the skips and palpitations). I get them so randomly, I can be fine and boom, here it comes. I joined weight watchers to see if I can lose thirty or more pounds, hope it helps. I take magnesium and fish oil, doesn’t help. I never drink alcohol, never smoked, not a coffee or soda drinker, don’t eat chocolate. It’s a damn mystery, and my electrophysiologist doctor says I’m just intolerant and sensitive to the arrhythmia, and It’s not afib. Im so frustrated. Hopefully the weight loss helps, my wife says she’s “fed up with me” and is mad that I complain to her about my ailment. If only she knew what it was like, she’s not supporting me at all.

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    I’m up 1:33 AM thinking what in the world could be wrong with me? What triggers these PVCs? How can I get rid of them? All these thoughts going through my mind. I’m 40 years old 5’4 245 lbs. My occupation is a housekeeper and when I’m at work I don’t feel them unless I sit or slow down. Then when I get home they come on and when its time for bed I feel them more. Reason why I’m up this late. I’m glad to see some people’s comments saying losing weight helped them. So I guess there is light at the end of this dark tunnel.

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      You’re not alone. I’ve had them my whole life, but in small spurts….would go away after a week or so. For the past twenty years I didn’t get one….remission I guess. Im 55 now, and they’ve never been worse. I’m about 30 pounds overweight now since the pandemic and they started ten months ago and have not gone away. PVCs all day long in spurts. Three cardiologists and two types of beta blockers, magnesium and nothings helped. I live clean, no coffee chocolate smokes or alcohol. It’s frustrating and intolerable, my wife is frustrated with me, blaming my weight. I’m hoping to diet and see what happens.

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      I have them, too. I can be doing something simple like cooking supper, and I feel them. Then I get anxious and start to feel bad. The anxiety is probably worse for me than the pvcs.

  5. Post

    It feel so gratifying to know that I am not alone with this problem. I’ve been dealing with pvcs for like 3 years now myself. I am also very overweight at 275lbs and 5’8. I see a pattern here of mostly overweight and obese individuals having similar symptoms. I think we should all put an effort to shed some considerable weight to see if really helps. I wish the best for everyone.

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      I agree completely, I also get them and I’m overweight.. I dont remember getting them before I gained extra weight.. losing weight I believe will def help us all.. blessings ..

  6. Post

    I have also been having palpitations caused by PVCs for the past 4 years now. Last year I was diagnosed with coronary artery disease in 3 vessels including LAD. I’m on medications including Metoprolol, aspirin, Crestor, and Magnesium but I still get them many times a day and especially when I exercise/walk fast or walk up a hill. It’s been very scary and I wish the doctors would do more to treat the problem.

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    I just started to have them constantly. I am on a beta blocker for this. I went to the ER after four days. Had test done and nothing was seriously wrong. I am 62 and 20 pounds overweight. Seeing my doctor today. I will start a serious diet. This affects me mentally also.

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    First, please don’t despair. You are not alone as the comments show. I started having PVCs about 2 months ago and I have them all constantly and it is very distressing. I am cleaning up my diet, getting rid of caffeine, alcohol, and working on losing weight and exercising more…

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    Same boat here… I think losing weight helps, just lost 30 pounds and the pvc’s stoped… now i’m 170lbs and no pvc’s for the last 2 months witch is good considering i’ve been having it everyday for the last 4 years.

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      You had them everyday for 4 yrs? I just recently started having them more often, they use to come in clusters and lasted about 2 weeks nonstop but is been couple of weeks and they are not going anywhere.

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    I am 48, and I get palpitations when I walk, or excersise. I don’t get them much playing drums. I am 6’1, and very overweight at about 340 lbs. I used to be very athletic. Now I can’t even walk to the restroom without my heart fluttering. The doctors ran all kinds of tests, and say it is PVC’s. They do say it is not serious. Sometimes they go away for several months, and then come back. I hope losing weight can get rid of them? I want to be able to walk long distances again, and enjoy life.

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    Me too. I’m 45 and It’s so upsetting to feel like you’re going to die every day. And I’m on a large dose of Toprol even…which is a beta blocker. I was just now googling to see if they can be caused by obesity, as I to am overweight. Hope you’re feeling better.

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