Submitted by Dr T on July 1, 2014 – 9:50am
What is organizing fibrinous pericarditis?
What are the short term and long term implications?
Thank you
Hi Amy,
These results mean you have had a pericardial effusion that was drained. Examination of the fluid only shows normal inflammatory cells, meaning you may well have had a viral pericarditis and this is your body’s response. Prior to this you probably hace had a variety of symptoms that included chest pains, shortness of breath, fever, and decreased exercise tolerance.

(Image from: Causes of Pericarditis)
Most patients will continue to recover and no further treatment is necessary, other than analgesics or anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve pain and antibiotics if there was evidence of a bacterial infection (not shown in your case).
However, occasionally this may cause a chronic constrictive pericarditis, impairing your heart function with as result ongoing chest pains, dyspnea and other symptoms of heart failure, which may require a pericardiectomy with removal of the diseased heart sack.
Hope this helps,